Friday, June 26, 2015

Sending Mail from Dynamic Port with Password Authentication

If you are sending an e-mail over the SMTP adapter using a dynamic send port and you want to use user/password authentication at the SMTP server, you have to do the following in the orchestration:
  • Set all relevent SMTP properties
  • Promote the SMTP properties in a correlation set - but not the Passwort property because this one is marked as "IsSensitive" and hence cannot be promoted.
This is due to security reaspons so that a BizTalk operator cannot see the password in any running instance.

If you promote the password anyway, you run into the following exception:
Shape name: MailSend
ShapeId: %GUID%
Exception thrown from: segment 1, progress 12
Inner exception: The value assigned to property 'SMTP.Password' is not valid: '%password%'.
Exception type: InvalidPropertyValueException

Thanks for sharing, Ronny!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

BizTalk Konsole stops working with Error IDS_ERR_FIND_SCHEMA

I wanted to update a BizTalk assembly in which a schema had change its name. To make it simple, I chose to use the "modify" option inside the BizTalk administration konsole. I then run into the following error:
Schema referenced by Map 'XXX' has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date. You must refresh the BizTalk Server group configuration before making further changes. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Administration.SnapIn)

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I first tried to refresh the group but this did not help. Instead, I could not even open the application list.

Luckily, the error message told which map missed its schemas.

We could solve this problem (thanks, Christian!) by correcting the message type inside the BizTalkMgmtDb table bt_DocumentSpec where it was still stored with the old name (so it was not updated during "modify" action).

So if you update an assembly, in which a schema changed its name, you have to install the assembly from the scratch.

But if you already have run into that problem, open table bt_DocumentSpec and check whether the docspec_name is correct there.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Laptop for Social Organisation in Bolivia

Something from the non-BizTalk area: I just installed a laptop with Spanish Windows in order to give it to a social organisation in Bolivia. The funny point in the end was to tinker special characters for the keyboard.

Whoever wants to support the same organisation (Elijo la Vida, Cochabamba) that helps young, single mothers to finish their studies, can donate here: