Monday, January 19, 2009

How to solve Problems when accessing an IDoc with the SAP Adapter

If you can't see an IDoc when you try to create a schema in Visual Studio using the SAP adapter (building on SAP .net connector 1.0.2), the problem is usually that the IDocs hasn't been published ("freigegeben"). You can check this here:

we60 - Check whether your IDoc is known in a specific SAP Release (we often had the problem that segments of an IDoc weren't known in a release)

we30 - You can check here whether all segements are published. Click on the segment, then "segment editor". There's a checkbox whether this segment is published.

we20 - If you can access the IDoc but can't send data to it, the IDoc might miss a partner agreement ("Partnervereinbarung").

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